- Ballyroan Funeral Ministry Team
- The Bereavement Counselling Service
- Solas
- The Compassionate Friends
- Console Counselling Centre
- Irish Friends of the Suicide Bereaved
- Miscarriage Association of Ireland
- Irish Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society
- Irish Sudden Infant Death Association
- National Association of Widows in Ireland
- Rainbow Ireland
Ballyroan Funeral Ministry Team
Some Parishes like Holy Spirit, Ballyroan are lucky enough to have funeral teams, many of whose members also belong to the Bethany group. A funeral team is an invaluable help to the priest as well as to the mourners. For the priest, a funeral team means the preparations don’t all fall on his shoulders alone. Together, they care for the bereaved in complementary ways, sharing what information is helpful, filling in the gaps, doing what is necessary. Of course, in practice a lot of what is done will depend on the mourners and what they want. Pastoral sensitivity is such an important part of bereavement support. For the mourners, the funeral team puts a human face on the parish for them, at a time when they need it most. Being involved in the funeral preparations, bringing the booklet “the celebration of life “with Mass readings to the home, saying the prayers if necessary in the funeral parlour and answering all the questions that might arise about arrangements with the church. Also organising the month’s mind Mass, all this means that those who are grieving have someone they can call on in the future; a familiar face who ensures that, when they want help on the road of bereavement, they are turning, not to a stranger, but to one who has already started the journey with them. Bereavement support whether in a Bethany group, a funeral team or both, has already shown its worth in many parishes. It is a ministry that is here to stay.
Bereavement is a long slow walk, one which we all take from time to time in life. This walk is one on which, while we essentially take it alone, we often need companions; people who, while they cannot take the whole journey with us or for us, can be there and understand that today, for today, we just can’t go on. And they sit with us, in prayer, in silence if necessary, until we are ready, in our own good time, to get up and take a few more steps. The Ballyroan Bethany Support Group offer one to one listening support by visiting or appointment, in the home or by telephone. A group support meeting is held on the third Tuesday of every month in the Parish House from 8pm to 9pm. A c d “The Grieving Journey” is available to the bereaved on which is recorded people’s grief stories and information regarding the grief process. Some books are also available free of charge.
At the start of the group meeting, the facilitator lights a candle, symbolising confidentiality, reminding everyone in the room that ” what is said in the room remains in the room”. The hour is a time of quiet sacred safe space, in which you can talk about your grief or not, in which you can pray or not. We understand.
Please contact the parish office 01-494 7303
The Bereavement Counselling Service, Dublin, Carlow and Newbridge
For information on the range of services provided contact:
Dublin Street,Baldoyle, Co. Dublin.
Tel. 01-839 1766
29 Lwr Baggot Street,Dublin 2
The ISPCC offers a range of services for children who have experienced loss or bereavement. These services include Childhood Support Workers, STEPS Youth Advice, Counselling Centres in 12 locations and Childline.
Barnardos,Christchurch Square, Dublin 8.
Tel. 01-473 2110 (Mon-Fri., 10.00am to 12.00pm)
Advice and counselling line aimed at children and families following the death of a parent, carer or sibling.
Donegal Tel.. 075 31493
Cork Tel. 021 291892 / 3 64695
Clare Tel.. 065 20024
Limerick Tel.. 061 453609
Galway Tel.. 091 752033 / 798799
Nenagh Tel.. 06732675
An organisation of bereaved parents who offer support to each other. It is open to all parents who have suffered the loss of a child of any age.
Console Counselling Centre, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24
Tel.. 01-868 5232
Console was established in 2002 by Paul Kelly after he had experienced the grief of losing a loved one by Suicide. Through his loss, Paul recognised a need for a dedicated Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention Service here in Ireland.
Since then Console has developed into a National Organisation supporting people in Suicidal Crisis and those Bereaved by Suicide through Professional Counselling, Support and Helpline Services.
Irish Friends of the Suicide Bereaved
PO. Box, 162, Cork.
Tel.. 021-4316722
Replies to queries by telephone and letter. Gives one to one support. Runs support groups for adults in Cork and residential weekends for people from any part of the country.
The Miscarriage Association of Ireland
Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St., Dublin 7.
Tel.. 01-873 5702
Aims to provide support and information following miscarriage.
Irish Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society
Carmichael House,North Brunswick St., Dublin 7.
Tel.. 01-872 6996
Befriending and support organisation for those who have experience the loss of a baby around the time of birth.
Irish Sudden Infant Death Association
Carmichael House, 4 North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7.
General Enquiries: 01-8732711
National LoCall Helpline: 1850-391-391
Fax: 01-8726056
E-mail: isida@eircom.net
Support organisation with nationwide branches for parents bereaved by sudden infant death (cot death).
National Association of Widows in Ireland
Coleraine House
Coleraine Street
Dublin 7.
(01) 8728814
(01) 8733622
Email info@nawi.ie
Aims to help widows readjust to their new role through advice, counselling and social activity.
Loreto Centre, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12.
Tel. 01~473 4175
E-mail: ask@rainbowsireland.com
Office open: Monday – Thursday 8.30–4.30pm, Friday 8.30– 1pm
Organises support groups nationally for children and young adults of bereaved or separated families.
Locally based advice centres where you can get free and confidential information. To find out where your local centre is, contact the National Social Service Board. The N.S.S.B. has produced a helpful leaflet for those affected by bereavement.
If any of the contact details have changed, or are incorrect, please email new details to webmaster@ballyroanparish.ie. Thank you.