


Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of your child. Shortly, we hope to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism with you.


Booking your Baptism:

To enquire about booking your Baptism ceremony, please ring our parish office on 01-4947303 and a member of the parish team will contact you.


Ballyroan Parish Baptism Form


The meaning of Baptism:

At Baptism
The call to Baptise

  1. Your child becomes part of our Christian community
  2. Baptism is a sign of life. We sense God’s presence when we look in the face of your beautiful child, we acknowledge the Holy Spirit’s presence
  3. Baptism is the gateway sacrament to all the others; especially Confirmation and Holy Communion, the 3 -initiation sacraments to becoming a Christian and because of your commitment your child will grow in faith.


Choosing Godparents

The Godparents share with you in handing on the Christian faith to your child. They should be people who practice their Christian faith. You only need one Godparent, but a child may have one Godfather and one Godmother. The Godparents must be Catholics who have made their Confirmation. However, a baptised member of another Christian denomination may act as a Christian witness during the ceremony. 


The Baptism Ceremony
Please arrive about 15 minutes before the time agreed inside our church

  1. We begin with the Naming of your child and we make the sign of the Cross on the child’s forehead, to show that we want to hand on our faith
  2. Anointing with the oil of Baptism on the child’s chest- purification for the task ahead
  3. Your family participates with the Bible readings and prayers of intercession at the ceremony
  4. We baptism with Holy Water over the head of the child, 3 times- ‘I baptise… in the name of the Father-the Son and the Holy Spirit’ – water gives life, cleans, purifies (an opportunity here to take a photo)
  5. The Child is anointed on the crown of their head, with the Chrism oil of salvation– like Christ -the anointed one- there is a lovely, sweet smell- it includes Myrrh
  6. Godmother wraps the child in a white garment a sign of new life in the Spirit … (remember to bring your white garment)
  7. Baptism candle– will be lit on behalf of your child by the Godfather from the Paschal candle, which is blessed at the Easter vigil (remember to bring your candle)
  8. Finally, we will all pray together the Lord’s prayer- ‘The Our Father’, we encourage you to say this prayer with or for your child/or Godchild every night.



It is customary to give a donation and this is shared between the priest, our Parish Church, and the Diocese


Please enjoy your special day!