First Communion ceremonies take place in the month of May. A programme of preparation takes place throughout the year.
Parental Preparation for 1st Penance, Communion and Confirmation
The preparation of children for the reception of the Sacrament is a shared undertaking by parents, school and parish. By means of this co-operation parents are assisted in fulfilling the responsibility of training their children in the practice of the faith, first under-taken when they presented their children for baptism.
The parish with the co-operation of parents and teachers follow set liturgical programmes for all of the Sacraments.
The specialized programme for First Communion named ‘Do this in Memory of Me’ consists of 4 or 5 Sunday Masses prepared by the parents with the assistance of the parish sacramental team and Fr. Michael. A similar series of masses and liturgical services are also planned for those preparing for Confirmation.
Baptism is a necessary pre-requisite for the reception of all other sacraments. To facilitate young people who are not baptized and who may wish to receive the sacraments, the parish will arrange for both children and their parents to receive instruction on the sacraments prior to being baptized.
Reconciliation (Confession)
Simply contact Fr. Michael and he will gladly hear your confession. Also we will have services of reconciliation with visiting priests in attendance in preparation for Christmas and Easter.
Housebound and Sacrament of the Sick
The Eucharist at home is an important pastoral service. It allows the housebound to receive the Blessed Sacrament in their own homes to make them feel included and cared for by the Parish.
Specially trained Ministers of the Eucharist administer Holy Communion to these people and also Fr. Michael tries to visit as many of the house bound as possible on the first Friday of each month and at any other time by request.