Mass Intentions


God of all consolation, help us to comfort one another in our grief,
finding light in time of darkness,
and faith in time of doubt


Saturday 7pm

Seamus Maninan (R.I.P.) Aidan & Myra Candon (A) Helen O’ Brien (M.M.)

Sunday 10am

10am: Michael Murphy (A) Mona & Pierce Sinnott (A) Eileen Kiely (R.I.P.) Fr. Christopher Kenny

Sunday 12pm

Sean Beggan (A) Carmel Farrell (A) Mary Daly (R.I.P) Alan Whelan (A)


John O’Keeffe (R.I.P.) Enid Perry (R.I.P.)


Special Intention (L)


Special Intention (R.I.P.)




Michael Cross (A) Joan Quinn (R.I.P.)

  We remember all those recently deceased in our parish. Our thoughts and our prayers are with their loved ones and their families.



Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord
and let perpetual light shine upon them

Anniversary (A): Months Mind (MM): Recently Deceased (RIP) Living (L)

To Book a Mass please contact the office at 4947303