Parish Office


The Parish Office is closed until further notice.
We can be contacted by phone 01-4947303
Monday to Friday 10.00am – 12.00pm
or email

Anniversary masses and mass cards can be arranged through the contact details above



The parish secretary is Ms. Aine Mullaly.


Telephone:- 01 – 494 7303



Ruah Pastoral Centre,
Ballyroan, Dublin 14


House-bound Parishioners

If you or any member of your family is unable to come to Church due to sickness or old age, please contact the Parish Office and arrangements can be made to bring Holy Communion to you, either every day or on Sundays and First Fridays.

Booking of Masses

Anniversary or special intention Masses may be booked Monday to Friday by calling into or contacting the Parish Office, between 10am and 12pm, or by calling into the Sacristy on Saturday or Sunday after all Masses.


For wedding/ preparation and pre nuptial enquiry forms please contact Fr Peter.