Parish Priest
Fr. Michael Murtagh
69 Anne Devlin Park, Ballyroan, Dublin 14
Tel: 01- 495 0444
Frank Browne, Deacon
You can contact the parish office at 01 – 494 7303
Parish Office
Mary McDade
Parish Secretary
01 – 494 7303
Mass Cards /Anniversary Masses/Special Intentions
Mass Association cards for the Deceased and the Living are available at the back of the church. Anniversary Masses and Special Intentions can only be booked through the office.
Individual Mass cards, that is, a Mass to be offered for a deceased on an unspecified day/time can only be booked through the office.
Pastoral Council
The Ballyroan Parish Pastoral Council was formed in 2002. It is a recognised structure within the Church concerned with the pastoral activities of parish life.
Members are – Fr Michael Murtagh, Moira Hanbidge, Diarmuid Kelly, Grainne Byrne, JMuriel Doyle, Rosaleen Hannon and Deacon Frank Browne
Please contact Fr. Michael Murtagh
Like all good parishes there is a team involved in making sure the day to day parish office is running, the emails and phone calls are answered, the finances are kept in check, the monies are collected and the church is kept clean. The following ministries are involved;
Collectors and Stewards
Please contact the parish office
Finance Committee
Members of the committee are : Denise Donohoe (Chairperson), Fr. Michael Murtagh, Frank Browne, Gillian Massey, Sinead Moore, and Barbara Brennan
Please contact the parish office
Again a wonderful group who meet on Tuesdays to keep our beautiful church grounds in pristine condition. Simply call by and Tuesday after mass and meet the ‘lads’ and join up. Many hands make light work is so true.
Ruah Pastoral Centre Management Team
Bernadette Drennan, Michael Keogh, Sean McCarthy, Pat Morey, John O’Brien, Geraldine Perkins and John Shortt.
We are so lucky to have a team of Sacristans who open/close the church, and help at the various ceremonies during the year. Each volunteer takes responsibility for a day and they work together for holidays and other commitments etc. We do have a vacancy at present for one day as one of our group is currently doubling up. Don’t all volunteer at once !