Latest News
Mass Intentions
God of all consolation, help us to comfort one another in our grief, finding light in time of darkness, and faith in time of doubt Saturday 7pm Rosemary Moore (M.M.) Maria Callanan (A) Liam O’ Sullivan (A) Orr Shepard (Get well soon) Sunday 10am Tim...
Milestone Marriages Mass
Father Michael wishes to celebrate milestone marriages in our parish. It’s a great way to honour the enduring love and commitment you have made in your relationship. If you have been married 5 years, 10 years, 15 years etc. and would like to have your marriage blessed...
First Holy Communion 2024
Congratulations to all the Girls in Scoil Naomh Pádraig who Made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 25th May. A wonderful day was had by all. We are so proud of each and everyone of you. Abig thank you to all who made the day such a lovely...
iCatholic Feed
Technology serving Synodality - Bishop Brendan Leahy
For the Cry of the Earth - Pope's Prayer Intention - September 2024
The late Archbishop Noël Treanor on the 2017 Ad Limina visit of the Irish Bishops
Supporting Christians in the Holy Land - ACN