Mass times during Lent

For the six weeks of Lent it is proposed that we have Mass at 6pm in the evening on Wednesdays and Fridays, to facilitate those that are working an opportunity to go to Mass. There will be no morning Masses on those days. However that means that for lent, Daily Masses...

Milestone Marriages Mass

Father Michael wishes to celebrate milestone marriages in our parish. It’s a great way to honour the enduring love and commitment you have made in your relationship. If you have been married 5 years, 10 years, 15 years etc. and would like to have your marriage blessed...

Welcome Pack

  The welcome pack has been prepared to give information about our parish to those who are new to Ballyroan   To download a copy please click here  
First Holy Communion 2024

First Holy Communion 2024

    Congratulations to all the Girls in Scoil Naomh Pádraig who Made their First Holy Communion on Saturday 25th May. A wonderful day was had by all. We are so proud of each and everyone of you. Abig thank you to all who made the day such a lovely...

Mission and Ministry e-zine

The February issue of the Mission and Ministry e-zine is now available  Mission&Ministry_Feb2024     Further information on the Office for Mission and Ministry is available at The purpose of the Office of Mission...